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Friday, January 14, 2011

your fb relationship status

do people really follow your relationship status?.. have you noticed that everytime you change relationship status in facebook, you can hoard comments.. lol..

try changing your relationship status in facebook even if its not for real and you will get a lot of comments..



J's Dollar Earnings Gate said...

I love and keep observing these "fb relationship status," it is minds one interest...

Keep also Spread the Spirits of Posts, and promotes Earnings and Beautiful Life...

I wanna read more posts,informative post, and it brings enthusiasm


jopurjyyy said...

Facebooking is really one online Addiction that keeps fulfilling inspirations, keeping alive the broken-hearted people...

Members reflect Good Earnings and a Beautiful Life...

julia said...

Faceboooking is one the Filipino Craze that cannot be controlled...

Just like cars, and owners, that reflects love for Good Earnings and a Beautiful Life...

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