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Friday, October 5, 2007

thank you for viewing my profile

im actually supposed to blog about this last night... but because of my memory loss, i forgot of what im supposed to blog about... waaahhhhhh...
i was trying to remember last night, what was the topic ill be blogging that time... coz earlier that night, while my two gay friends/classmates and I were talking about anything and everything, my friend got to talk about friendster. Jomvi was asking me, if people will have interest on adding people who's profile are set to private... well, i don't think so.. people usually add people in their friendster friends' list if they like or enjoy somebody's profile... at least, except those who personally know that person who's profile is set to private... and those people who are just collecting people in their list.
neweiz, he asked me about that because he thinks people with private profile are sick... specially those who kept on viewing his... hahahahahaha
and so, that conversation made me remember that i was once checking the people who viewed me that day.. then, i came to a profile which was set to private but her shout was was like "thank you for viewing my profile... blah blah blah" that made me laugh a little coz, i thought that who would care about her profile if her profile was set to private.. duh!

i totally forgot about this last night... so when i saw Rick and Jomvi in the university, i asked them what was that thing i told them im going to blog about... lucky, Rick remembered.. lol

and oh... Thank you for reading my blog.... ;)


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