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Monday, December 15, 2008
i was walking on the way to the bank this afternoon when i noticed somebody is calling at my back until she finaly tapped me with her umbrella..
i turned back and saw a small old lady teary eyed...
she asked for apology and asked me where is the way to Jenny's... she was pissed off with the driver... she said the first jeepney driver let her get off somewhere near the bridge and asked her to ride another jeepney... the next jeepney, let her get off somewhere near our place i guess and just gave her back her fare...
i can see her wet eyes.. she told me she dont have enough money anymore... i gave her all the money i have in my pocket... she accepted it, thanked me and asked apology for the inconvenience... i accompanied her in crossing the road until she was able to find a jeepney..
i felt fulfilled although i realized later that i still have money in my pocket and i should have given it to her...
i feel proud of myself... at least i realized i am not totally bad after all.. lol
Saturday, December 13, 2008
waaaaaaahhhhhhhh... are you insulting me?.. i am a human.. not a pony.. lol.. and we are not even in a magical world... hahahaha
and oh, cant you see?.. im wearing my hair down.. its not in ponytail... ok?... lol
anyway, they were actually just trying to borrow a hair scrunchy...
guys, you should know the difference between a ponytail and a hair scrunchy...
Ponytail is the hairstyle while scrunchy is the band to tie your hair... ;)
< this is the hair scrunchy

< this is the ponytail... its the hairstyle.. ;)
oh come on... thanks to me you learn something new.. lol... peace... ;)
Monday, December 8, 2008
me: You can reLord...
my supervisor who was seated beside and my colleagues who heard me were all laughing... i laughed too that made my customer to asked me why i was laughing..
i dont know if she even noticed my mistake... lol
the line is choppy
he kept telling his customer to repeat what he said since the line was choppy until he said.
"Im sorry Mr. CX but the choppy is..."
we laughed and he then realized his mistake... put it on mute and laughed with us.. hahaha
another friend of mine was telling the customer that the line is choppy... she pronounced it as chappy... my other friend who was seated beside her, corrected her pronounciation right then and there... whew.. that was just so mean... he said, " choppy kasi pag chappy, chupa=chups yun... " hahaha
Friday, December 5, 2008
Mr. Customer
a friend of mine while talking with his customer suddenly said...
"thank you for patiently wating MR. CUSTOMER"
hahahah.. we were really laughing when we heard him said that..
instead of adressing the customer his last name, he addressed him as Mr. Customer..
and he had a loud voice... i guess his phone/headset volume was on max that's why he didnt noticed his loud voice... lol
hahaha.. i guess he was panicking and was too focus with the spiel.. toinkz...
and oh we were in our A-Bay/Nesting period that time...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
halloween pictures
Me: Ate, I want a picture with Mr. Halloween Guy.
Sis: Ok ok, go. Oh no, you’re a Christian and you support Halloween.
Me: (laughing) yeah right, it’s a pagan celebration… but why did you take a picture of me inside that giant pumpkin in SM Makati yesterday?
Sis: Coz, it’s a fruit. (laughing)
Me: Yeah, and its not Halloween Guy right?... (laughing)
Scene 2: Inside Bestseller National Bookstore in Robinsons Galleria while waiting for my sister’s friend, the two of us were taking pictures of each other. I posed with the books then picked up WITCH.
Sis: Ahh, because I didn’t allow you to have a picture with the Halloween guy, you’d rather have a picture with WITCH..
(Both laughed)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
borrowed words?
uncle = ankěl
sparkle = sparkěl
google = googěl
single = singěl
these are just some english words that are commonly mispronounced by Tagalog speaking Pinoys...
two months ago, while hanging with a friend in Robinsons Galeria, my friend suddenly gave a comment about how the tagalog speaking pinoys pronounced these words and how he disagreed with it. it is just so wrong as what he said but he can do nothing but just follow it or he will sound funny...
actually i have noticed this a long long time ago... i believe most Visayans noticed how Tagalogs pronounced these words... we would actually laugh at it.. sorry, no offense meant here, ok?...
it just that during my PS days, i heard somebody talked in straight english but pronounced the word google as googěl... it actually rang into my ears... it gave a big question mark in my face... made me think what is so wrong with this guy?... hahahaha.. its just that its a little acceptable if he was talking in tagalog... oh come on, we're expected to pronounce it correctly coz we work in an industry where English is the only means of communication and also we are college graduates.. duh!... :D
neweiz, i noticed another thing why Visayans speak english well...
its because when Visayans utter english terms they think of it as an english word while Talagalogs, when they utter an english term (speacially those i mentioned above) they still think of it as another tagalog term.. borrowed words, i guess... lol
neweiz, here is another example to this....
i just think that it sound awkward... its I'm Sing-guh

Sunday, September 21, 2008
few things i hate in mIRC
I usually park in mIRC every time I feel bored with the net… when I have nothing else to check in my friendster and myspace… well, I just park in mIRC and wait if somebody will throw me a Hi!… hahaaha
Neweiz, I noticed a chatting pattern in mIRC..
Its like, first is the hi-hello thingy, then knowing the ASL.. then, asking if your still studying, knowing the course and what’s next?… “Do you have friendster?… or Got friendster?.. duh, this lines sometimes irritates me… I don’t know.. but we haven’t even talked a lot… then they already ask for friendster… we even havn’t got any topic… duh… and after getting each others friendster, nothing will come next…
And what irritates me more than this is some IRC people pm you and just ask for friendster… hello, im not collecting friends on my friendster list… I only add people I know… although I also add people I know from the net or mIRC, at least I know a few background of them.. hahaha…
Neweiz, I don’t really give my friendster account to people who are just collecting friends…
And to be honest… people who don’t know URL sometimes irritates me… there is one time that I was chatting in mIRC and this guy was asking my friendster so I gave him my URL… and he told me im a liar coz it wasn’t my friendster.. hahahah.. he copied my friendster URL and paste in the search box… hahahah… that was supposed to be ok, telling him to just click the URL isn’t hard but he was being mean… waaaaahhhhhh
Another thing that I hate in mIRC is the people who ask me if im still a virgin… HELLO!… of course I am.. im a Christian… I value virginity… and I believe that sex is gift from God for married couple… I don’t really tolerate those people… I hate it when, you already got a topic and suddenly the guy on the other end asks about sex… I don’t think it is polite… if it we were only talking face to face, I could have slapped those guys… and what irritates me more than that, are the people who pm you and ask for sex… HELLO again!… im in a community chatroom... we are not in cybersex chatroom/channel… neweiz, usually tell them that they got the wrong girl and then, ignore them…
And oh, I hate it when they ask me for topic… I don’t know.. why don’t they just let it flow… talk about anything… why I really hate it?.. its because usually when they ask you for topic, they meant the topic to be sex… I don’t really think it’s polite to ask about that… ask if you have tried it and if your still a virgin… (close ta? waaaahhh) we don’t even know each other… and you are asking me those things… I’ could have slapped you if we were talking face to face… I need respect.. ok?… again, Im a virgin.. Im a Christian and I value virginity… Sex is a God given gift for married couple only..
Actually im in mIRC right now… and yes, there goes the pattern again.. waaaaahhhh
note: this is from my friendster blog posted Feb 10, 2007
Pinoy nga naman oh...
eto yung kwento ko...
last week, habang naglalakad sa galeria, may nakasalubong akong dating schoolmate slash clasmate (ng isang subject.. hekhekhek) pinansin nya ako na parang gulat siya na im here in manila too... we talked na parang close talaga kami... hahahaha...
naisip ko... lang hiya... katabi ko to sa agronomy ahh pero di kami nagpapansinan sa school... pero dito super close kami... hahahaha.. Pinoy nga naman oh....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
men at work
man not at work....
this is actually taken back in college when we had our video production project.. this is what you get when you sleep instead of working... bwahahahahaha
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Why Visayan Speaks English Well
and that question reminds me when my sister's officemate asked her the same question... her officemate also noticed that a lot of Bisaya speaks english well...
i dont really know why but i guess maybe because most bisaya feel awkward when speaking tagalog... maybe because of their accent... they sound funny when they speak tagalog... plus their friends usually would banter at them when they start talking in tagalog...
most bisaya would rather speak english than tagalog...
lucky for me coz i get compliments when i speak tagalog... they said i don't sound bisaya... my co-trainee was even a little astonished when i told her Im bisaya...
the way tagalog speakers try to copy the way Visayan speaks tagalog isnt really how Visayan sound when they speak tagalog... gets?.. lol
Sunday, June 1, 2008
what time is it?
Somebody asked me once:
Miss, may cellphone ka?... anong oras nah?...
before: people asked for the time if you own a watch
now: people will also asked you for the time if you own a cellphone
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Not too Late for Sudoku Craze
It was actually my big brother who got me into this... He was browsing the mag and then asked me if I know how to solve a sudoku… I haven’t really tried it before… im not one of those who got into the sudoku craze back in 2007… but I told him, maybe I should try it now, and check if my IQ result is for real… lol..
So there I was solving the sudoku while attending the sari-sari store my big bro owned… I don’t know, I think I started solving it at the time of Pinoy Big Brother (what time does PBB starts?) and finally solved it at almost eleven.. whew... what a noob… lol
(don’t mind the more difficult.. started solving it the next day..with so many interruptions I didn’t finished it, instead I tried solving the crossword puzzle.. lol)
Anyway, I noticed there is something wrong… I think the categories of the sudoku should use same adjective… so if they want to use the adjective “easy”, then the categories will be easy and easier or if they want to use “difficult” then it should be just difficult and more difficult… but think it will be safe to use easy and difficult… Why make it complicated, right?.. duh!... lol..
Well, there must be some reason the ed used those terms… J
Monday, April 7, 2008
NO summer in the Philippines
summer!... summer!... summer!...
Just noticed that a lot of Filipinos consider this time of the year as summer… yeah, summer is the warmest time of the year but hey, technically there is no summer in the
In a tropical country like
Using temperature and rainfall as bases, the climate of the country can be divided into two major seasons: (1) the rainy season, from June to November; and (2) the dry season, from December to May. The dry season may be subdivided further into (a) the cool dry season, from December to February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March to May. (PAGASA)
Conclusion: vacation time in the
And yeah, that’s the reason why I avoid the term summer… lol
(use your search engine... lol)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
one thing real idiots do in friendster
Here is a bulletin that is revolving around friendster.
Subject: 10 things idiot do in friendster
there is NO SUCH THING as a friendster tracker. it does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like
no, it doesnt.
(yeah right, the one who copied this from myspace just changed the word myspace to friendster. and yeah, there is no friendster tracker and no myspace tracker either. those profile who have posted this bulletin are hacked profile... and oh, in friendster there is a who's-viewed-me box if you just know how to use js codes...)
To the people who have like 25,000 friends,and over 5 or even 10 or 20 account...!!!
are you serious?
You're stupid.
Go play in traffic.
(you're the one stupid, people in friendster cant have over 25,000 friends, there is a limit in friendster friends...
the first time i saw this bulletin i guess the limit was up to 1000 friends but now i guess its already 3000.)
Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG, I'm so fat"
because if you were, you wouldn't post them.
And if u do
(ok, so this is applicable to both networking sites... )
Nobody cares about threats over the internet.
Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quit crying coz you're not on someones top 8.
who cares?
Stop bitching!!!
(lol... top 8?.. there are only 6 slots for top friends in friendster... )
Who really cares if I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request or message asking
"what's up with you not adding me?"
I don't want you as a friend,
that's what's up!!!
(lol.. this can be applicable in friendster too...)
Little 12 year olds who have Friendster and look like sluts, and act like whores
go somewhere else
because nobody wants you here.
(hahaha.. i havent really seen friendster profile like this.. but yeah, this usually happen in myspace... )
If you have decided to read this,
you are a true Friendster Friend.
Real friends read their bulletins.
(for real?... lol)
I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get through
people's brains
(shut up!.. check your brain first... haha)
And if you open a bulletin and it says something like
"repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight, or some dead skinless girl is gonna rape your mom.."
(haha.. that’s a funny consequence… lol.. but yeah, i totally agree with this one though.. hahaha)
***This is a test to see how many
in your friends list
actually pay attention to you.
Repost this with..
"10 things idiots do on Friendster"
(haha..1 thing real idiots do in friendster is reposting this. waaaahhhhhhh)
Yeah, there are some that are applicable in friendster but still this is from myspace… I’ve seen this bulletin in myspace and when I saw this in friendster I was like “hey!... what’s wrong with you?... you just transferred the myspace bulletin in friendster… lol
here is a piece of advice for all the people in friendster... dont just copy and paste bulletins.. check what you are posting... waaaaaahhhhhh
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Bb. Pilipinas
wtf. what is so wrong with her.. why did she even join the pageant?... lol
ruffa was right... she should practice her english speaking skill..
and she's a mass communication student?.. double wtf... waaaaahhhhh
uhmm, miss Janina
there is a big difference between P and F
Pamily = family
pirst = first
taf = top
so what if ur 17 and that was ur first time?..
you should have just joined Miss. Tipay or Miss "kalagkalag" wahahahahahaha...
ok so lets leave the english speaking skill and the grammatical errors she made...
what about the answer?.. she didnt make any sense and she didnt really gave the preferred answer to the question.. lol
Munting Miss U could answer that... lol
and oh, the way she talks?.. and her gestures?.. it looks like she's just talking with somebody in the street..
now, im wodering why she got the crown...
no offense meant here... we all have our opinions anyway...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kissing Scene Photos in friendster
neweiz, i dont have a pic like that... im not yet a member to the "with-kissing-scene-photos club".. harhar... but just watch out, a bug might enter to my brain and i might post something like that.. harharharhar...
and oh, for those guys out there who have a kissing-scene photo in there friendster but the relationship is not yet legal to their parents, isusumbong ko kayo sa nanay ninyo... waaaaahhhhhh.. hahaha
i didnt add this to my last post since this photos are only applicable to those people who are in a relationship...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
kinds of photos posted in friendster
1. self portrait taken infront of a mirror...
2. photo taken infront of a mirror inside a CR.
3. photo taken inside a CR
4. the "being there" photo

oh well, im one of them... harharhar...
anyway, what is worst with a picture taken inside the CR is when he/she is doing his/her thing... waaaaaahhhhhh.. talk about a total cam whore... hey guys!.. what's on your mind when you took a picture of yourselves inside the CR?... waaaahhh
Thursday, February 28, 2008
to the carolers
Translation: Announcement
Don't make fun of the song or else you won’t be given money.
You should sing nicely…
Hahaha.. Oh well, kids go caroling for the sake of money. They don’t mind if they have sang it nicely or not… Some kids don’t even know the real lyrics… or maybe they just make fun of the lyrics.
Hey, I love carolers… It reminds me of my childhood days, when I go caroling with my cousins… ;)
Anyway, I was actually supposed to post this entry before the Christmas eve of 2007… but I was so very busy ( I guess.. haha). Oh well, better VERY late than never…. : )